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  • Rafael Fuster Tozer, Rafael García Llaneza. The Business Link, January 1997

  • Iñigo Díaz de Berricano, Carlos de Cárdenas Smith, Rafael García Llaneza. En Securities Transactions in Europe. Bicester: CCH Editions Limited, 1997

  • Rafael Fuster Tozer, Rafael García Llaneza. The Journal of International Taxation, August 1996

  • Rafael Fuster Tozer, Rafael García Llaneza. The Journal of International Taxation, June 1996

  • Rafael García Llaneza. Derivatives, January-February 1996

  • Rafael García Llaneza. Derivatives, July-August 1996

  • Rafael García Llaneza, Rafael Sebastián Quetglas. En The ABA Guide to International Business Negotiations: a Comparison of Cross-Cultural Issues and Successful Approaches. James R. Silkenat (General Editor), Jeffrey M. Aresty (General Editor). Chicago: American Bar Association, 1994