C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 187
Plaza de Rodrigo Uría
28002 Madrid . España.
+34 915 860 400
Editorial: The Rise of ESG Considerations in International Arbitration
Insight: ClientEarth v Shell Plc: a landmark case on climate change risk management and directors’ duties
Global Briefing: Landmark Climate Change Decision in Milieudefensie et al v Royal Dutch Shell PLC and its aftermath — The Contributions of the International Court of Justice to International Environmental Law — International Climate Change Disputes: current trends and future prospects — Los Reportes de Sostenibilidad en Colombia
In Focus: The Growing Impact of ESG Principles on Contractual Commitments — Towards Sustainable Investment: integrating ESG into Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Insight: Binding the Unbound and Other Magical Creatures: latest trends on extending arbitral agreements to non-signatories
Global Briefing: Decoding the Colombian Supreme Court Ruling Denying the Recognition of the PV Investors v Kingdom of Spain Award: at the crossroads of investor protection — Singapore’s Recipe for Becoming a Top International Arbitration Hub — The Constitutional Court of Ecuador Deems Investor-State Arbitration Clauses in Trade Agreement with Costa Rica Unconstitutional — An ICSID Annulment Committee Refuses to Revoke an Award against Italy
In Focus: UNCITRAL Working Group III’s Procedural and Crosscutting Draft Provisions: a sign of the times to come? — Semenya v Switzerland: human rights pushed further and fully into the international sports arbitration system
Insight: The High Court of Australia enforces ICSID Award against Spain and clarifes scope of sovereign immunity defence
Global Briefing: Ubuntu: the Africa Arbitration Academy Model Bilateral Investment Treaty — News on Third-Party Funding in the EU: the Parliament’s recent proposal for a regulation — Décision de la Cour d’Appel de Paris sur la transmission par voie diplomatique d’un acte à une autorité étrangère
In Focus: Economic sanctions and investment arbitration: substantive, jurisdictional and enforcement issues — Artificial intelligence and international arbitration: uses and challenge — Changes to ICSID’s administrative and financial regulations