Tribute to Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano and award ceremony of the third edition of the Rodrigo Uría Merúendano Art Law Prize
His Majesty King Juan Carlos presented the award to Antoni Rubí Puig for his work on copies of works of art and standards to assess their lawfulness under intellectual property law and art law called “La espada de Judith. Fenómenos de copia y estándares para la evaluación judicial de su licitud en el derecho de autor y el derecho del arte”. The event also honoured Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano on the tenth anniversary of his passing.
July 19, 2017
The third edition of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Prize was awarded on 17 July in Uría Menéndez’s Madrid office.
The event was inaugurated by His Majesty King Juan Carlos. Next spoke Aurelio Menéndez, Honorary President of both the Professor Uría Foundation and of Uría Menéndez, and Javier Solana, President of the Professor Uría Foundation. The event continued with speeches by Dionisio Uría, Patron of the Professor Uría Foundation; Antonio Garrigues, Honorary President of Garrigues; Miguel Zugaza, Director of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum; and José Pérez Santos, Executive Vice President of the Professor Uría Foundation. Their speeches all focused on the legacy of the personal and professional career of the eminent lawyer and jurist whose name honours the award.
Next, His Majesty King Juan Carlos awarded the prize to the Catalan lawyer and jurist Antoni Rubí Puig, who expressed his gratitude for the award. He spoke briefly about the topic of his article and highlighted the importance of Rodrigo and of the Professor Uría Foundation as examples of a citizen and an entity committed to society.
The winning article − “La espada de Judith. Fenómenos de copia y estándares para la evaluación judicial de su licitud en el derecho de autor y el derecho del arte” – together with seven other articles selected by the jury, will be published in a monograph on art law by the publisher Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi in the coming months.
His Majesty King Juan Carlos gave the closing speech. He took the opportunity to congratulate the award winner and to dedicate some moving words to the memory of Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano. "When we talk about Rodrigo," said His Majesty, "we talk about his special contribution to the development of the Spanish legal profession and how it has become one of the most sophisticated in continental Europe, and of his vision in promoting Spain as a European and international hub for museums. These achievements are more than deserving of this warm tribute today, and we hope that his legacy, in public and private, lasts for many years."
The objective of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Prize is to support and encourage innovative and quality legal studies in the art world. The fourth edition of the award is ongoing and the period to submit articles is currently open until 31 October 2017.