Actualidad Económica lists Uría & Menéndez among Spain’s fifty most admired companies
In its June issue, Actualidad Económica published the results of a survey conducted in order to identify the 50 most admired companies in Spain. Uría & Menéndez is the only law firm ranked within the top 50 group of companies. The firm is ranked first among the law firms and is in the top 10 list of most attractive companies to executives'. Uría & Menéndez was awarded its highest mark in product and service quality.
July 15, 2002In its June issue, Actualidad Económica published the results of a survey conducted in order to identify the 50 most admired companies in Spain. The research involved distributing more than 5000 questionnaires to executives from the 'Who’s Who Guide' of the aforementioned publication. The leading executives were asked to rate companies of their own sector with regard to seven factors: management quality, financial soundness, innovative capacity, product and service quality, capacity to attract executives, quality of marketing and external information.
Uría & Menéndez is the only law firm ranked within the top 50 group of companies. The firm is ranked first among the law firms and is in the top 10 list of most attractive companies to executives'. Uría & Menéndez was awarded its highest mark in product and service quality.