Oxford University Press publishes the book 'Merger Control in the European Union'
Oxford University Press has recently published the book 'Merger Control in the European Union'. Two partners of U&M are included among the authors
January 15, 2003The book was printed in Spanish for the first time in 1999 by the publishers Marcial Pons, and it is the first Spanish reference book on the subject.
In 2002 Oxford University Press published a new edition of the book in English, including the latest EC Commission policy and the most recent case-law of the European Courts on concentration control. Two partners of Uría & Menéndez are included among its authors: Edurne Navarro and Jaime Folguera, along with Andrés Font and Juan Briones, ex-members of the Concentrations Task Force of the EC Commission. Several lawyers of the European Law Department of Uría and Menéndez (Sergio Baches, Patricia Vidal and Jose Carlos Engra) also contributed to both the original version of the book and the new edition in English.
Oxford University Press has been responsible for the editing and presentation of the book. It includes an exhaustive table of contents and a chronological, alphabetical and sectional classification of all the concentration decisions of the EC Commission, as well as indispensable accompanying materials (applicable regulations, statements of the EC Commission regarding concentration control procedure etc.)
Both the Introduction to the English edition by Mario Monti, Competition Policy Commissioner of the EC Commission, and that of the Spanish edition by Karel Goes Miert, emphasise the significance of the book. Its objective is to provide a practical approach to the problems that arise in the area of concentration control, assisting in the understanding and study of the methods of analysis of the EC Commission and the Community Courts with regard to this type of operation. In short, this is a reference book on the subject and is recommended to any lawyer working in this field.
This link contains a short synopsis of the book published by Oxford University Press