Luis de Carlos joins the Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation promoted by the UN

September 24, 2020

Luis de Carlos has joined the Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation promoted by the UN, which has been signed by more than 1,000 business leaders from over 100 countries. With this support, Uría Menéndez reiterates its commitment to cooperation, peace, justice and effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.

The declaration is a commitment to:

  • demonstrate ethical leadership and good-governance practices through values-based strategies, policies, and relationships with stakeholders;
  • dedicate more resources to tackling inequalities and injustices through an inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making system at all levels; and
  • collaborate with the United Nations, governments and civil society to strengthen access to justice, accountability and transparency, legal security, equality and respect for human rights.

In addition, the declaration urges governments to protect human rights, ensure peace and justice, and defend the rule of law, to create an environment conducive to serving the interests of people and the planet, strengthening international cooperation and national legislation, and to improve global governance to combat corruption and achieve compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Through the declaration, the signing CEOs commit to both ethical leadership of their organizations and to implementing inclusive strategies based on the values ??of the 2030 Agenda, as well as working in partnership with governments, companies and civil society to lead us towards a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable world.

This declaration is one further step in the Firm’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.