Spain. The Class Actions Law Review

Cristina Ayo Ferrándiz, Alex Ferreres Comella.

Spain has a judicial collective redress mechanism denominated ‘collective actions’. The Spanish collective actions framework was established in Spanish law as part of the Civil Procedure Law 1/2000 of 7 January (the Civil Procedure Law), which entered into force in January 2001. The framework was not included in the initial drafts of the Law prepared by the Ministry of Justice. However, it was subsequently incorporated in the draft bill at the last stage of drafting prior to the bill’s submission to Parliament. For that reason, the draft collective actions regulations received scant analysis and discussion during the parliamentary proceedings for the enactment of the Civil Procedure Law. The collective actions regulations are not drafted as a systematised, consolidated and structured body of regulations but rather are limited to a few rules spread throughout the Civil Procedure Law.

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