
Nuno Salazar Casanova

Partner since 2015 ––– Lisbon
Member no. 20232L of the Portuguese Bar Association


Nuno Salazar Casanova is a partner of the firm since 2015 and has been a lawyer in the Litigation Practice Area of Uría Menéndez’s Lisbon office since 2004.

He represents clients in judicial proceedings on a wide range of litigation matters, including civil, criminal and commercial proceedings. He also participates in arbitrations as attorney and as arbitrator. 

Nuno has been actively involved in national and international arbitration and litigation related with financial products and has advised leading banks and other financial institutions on some of the largest and most complex cases.

He leads high-profile often cross-border disputes, including regulatory investigations and enforcement, litigation involving large multinational corporations and other major reputation-threatening litigation, especially where a global strategy is required to deal with litigation that is intertwined simultaneously with commercial, criminal and regulatory issues.

He also represents clients in insolvency and restructuring proceedings, and has participated in numerous cases involving multiple jurisdictions.

He is a member of the supervisory board of Fórum Penal - Associação de Advogados Penalistas, a member and secretary of the Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem, na arbitrators and a mermber of the board of directors of the arbitration center Concórdia. He is author of several publications on arbitration, financial litigation and insolvency.

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  • Law Degree, Universidade de Lisboa, 2002
  • Postgraduate Degree in European Studies, 2005

Professional associations

  • Portuguese Bar Association
  • Club Español de Arbitraje
  • Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem
  • Concórdia - Centro de Conciliação, Mediação de Conflitos e Arbitragem
  • Forum Penal - Associação de Advogados Penalistas
  • INSOL Europe

Recent publications

  • Nuno Salazar Casanova (Coordenador), David Sequeira Dinis (Coordenador). Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2024

  • Nuno Salazar Casanova (Coordenador), David Sequeira Dinis (Coordenador). Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2023

  • Nair Cordas, Nuno Salazar Casanova. In The Securities Litigation Review, 8th ed. William Savitt (Editor). London: Law Business Research, 2022

  • Nuno Salazar Casanova (Coordenador), David Sequeira Dinis (Coordenador). Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2022

  • Nuno Salazar Casanova. In Atas das VI jornadas de reestruturações e insolvências da Uría Menéndez - Proença de Carvalho. Nuno Salazar Casanova (Coordenador), David Sequeira Dinis (Coordenador). Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2022