Miguel Martínez Gimeno is a partner in the Madrid office. He joined the firm in June 2021, after serving as Secretary of the Board and General Director of the Legal Service of the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission.
He has been State Lawyer (Abogado del Estado) since 2003, having held various positions, including Deputy-Head of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and Head of the Legal Service of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
He has also served as a representative of the General Office of State Lawyers (Abogacía General del Estado) on the Governing Committee of the FROB, (Spanish Executive Resolution Authority), a member of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences and of the Board of the “Royal Spanish Mint” and as a legal advisor-secretary of the Board of state-owned company CERSA.
He was a law clerk (référendaire) at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for six years. He also lectures at various national and international universities
- Law Degree, Universidad de Navarra, 1999 (last semester at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, Germany).
- State lawyer (Abogado del Estado), 2003.
- MBA specialising in finance, UNED, 2005.
Professional associations
- Madrid Bar Association (Pamplona Bar Association - 1999 to 2013).
- State Lawyers Bar Association.
- Association of former and current CJEU clerks (référendaires).
- AEDEUR - Spanish Association for the Study of European Law.
Teaching activity
Miguel was previously a lecturer in administrative law at the Universidad CEU San Pablo and has also lectured on administrative law in courses designed for Spanish and Latin American civil servants organised by the Ministry of Justice (Spain) and the Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Colombia).
He has lectured on EU litigation on the Master’s Degree to Access the Legal Profession at the Universidad de Alcalá and currently does so at ICAI-ICADE.
He is a regular speaker at seminars, conferences and training courses related to his areas of practice.