
Ignasi Gay

Counsel ––– Valencia
Member no. 16094 of the Valencia Bar Association
  • English

  • French



Ignasi Gay Quinzá joined Uría Menéndez in 2012 and during those years has acquired experience advising corporations on civil and commercial litigation and arbitration proceedings. He was appointed Counsel in 2023.

Between 2017 and 2018 he worked as foreign associate in the firm Philippi, Prietocarrizosa, Ferrero DU & Uría in Bogotá (Colombia).

His areas of expertise includes advising on civil proceedings concerning the validity and execution of consumer contracts. He also frequently advises debtors and creditors on insolvency proceedings.

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  • Bachelor in Laws, University of Valencia, 2012
  • Bachelor in Political Sciences, University of Valencia, 2012
  • Master’s Degree in Consumer Law, University of Valencia, 2015
  • Master’s Degree in Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Carlos III University of Madrid.

Professional associations

  • Valencia Bar Association (ICAV)
  • Spanish Club of Arbitration (CEA)

Teaching activity

Since 2020, he is an associate professor at the Commercial Law department of the University of Valencia. 

Recent publications

  • Ignasi Gay. Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, n.º 1008, 2024

  • Anamaría Castellanos Artunduaga, Ignasi Gay. In Masc, to be or not to be? (Medios adecuados de solución de conflictos en la Justicia). Silvia Barona Vilar (Editor). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2024

  • Ignasi Gay, Juan Jiménez Martí. In Actualidad. Derecho mercantil 2023. Enrique Ortega Burgos (Director), Federico Pastor Ruiz (Director), María Enciso Alonso-Muñumer (Coordinador), Manuel García-Villarrubia (Coordinador), Casto González-Páramo Rodríguez (Coordinador), Jacobo Lavilla Pons (Coordinador), Juan Piquer Altarriba (Coordinador), Alejandro Rey Suañez (Coordinador), Eugenio Ribón Seisdedos (Coordinador). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2023

  • Ignasi Gay, Alberto de Unzurrunzaga Rubio. La Ley Mediación y Arbitraje, n.º 15, 2023

  • Ignasi Gay. Revista de Derecho Concursal ICAV, n.º 5, 2023